2022 Speed Cups
Below you will find written rules for Speed Cups we've tried our best to cover all rules, situations that may arise, and concerns but all runs and scenarios will be at the discretion of the Judges and will be considered final at awards.
Speed Cups
Pick up middle cup & put cup on 3rd pole
Pick up cup from 1st pole & put cup on 2nd pole
After both cups are moved forward 1 pole you must round end zebra barrel and run home
Team Run Rules - See Video Below
Timed event
Set Pattern
Pick up partner at hay bale
Pairs zig zag shuffle cups
Split hay bale
360 box Carousel
Split tire
Hay bale – Horsie Doe
Pony Express – Stay on the rail
Partner Barrel Gate
Single file line over bridge and tire
Finish line ( one horse only )
Fastest Time plus Penalties wins
Must attempt all obstacles
Skipped obstacle / forgotten obstacle 60 second penalty
5 second time penalty for any attempted but incomplete obstacle
Crossing timer line more the Twice- 0 SCORE
Highest Total Score Wins
Individual Example
Example 1 - Rider completes all 13 obstacles in 2min 34sec
13 Obstacles at 5 points each = 65 points
5min minus 2min 34 sec = 2.26
Total = 65 plus 2.26 = 67.26 finished time
Example 2 - Rider completes 11 obstacles in 1:22sec​
11 Obstacles at 5 points each = 55 points
5min minus 1min 22 sec = 4.38
Total = 55 plus 4.38 = 59.38 finished time
Example 3 - Rider completes 13 obstacles in 4:40sec​
13 Obstacles at 5 points each = 65 points
5min minus 4min 40 sec = 0.20
Total = 65 plus .20 = 65.20 finished time
Team Example
Example 1 - Team completes Course in 2min 55sec
Team had 2 attempted but not completed Obstacles
2 Penalties for 5sec each = 10
Total = 2:55 + 10sec = 3:05 finished time
​** Below obstacles are listed in a recommended pattern Ryan came up with for himself **
** You can do any pattern you choose as long as you follow the rules **
** Obstacles can be Re-attempted if they are intact as many times as you want **
Individual Run Object Descriptions / Rules
Bridge Bell
Ring bell
Knocking over bell 0 Points
Bridge / Tire
Walk on to bridge, walk off bridge to tire
Horse must put two feet on tire & travel full length of bridge without stepping off
Horse stepping off side of bridge & contacts the ground – Restart
Large Hay Bale
Ride up beside, dismount, walk your horse around to the other side (while still on the bale) Remount
Falling/ jumping down from haybale – failed attempt / Optional restart
Cross tarp at any angle, One front foot and one back foot must make contact with tarp.
Shuffle Cup
Start at center cup, move center cup to open pole, move last cup to center pole
If you drop a cup, you may dismount, pick it up, you may also just continue on and take a 0 Points
0 Points - Knocking over poles disabling obstacle
Horse must have all 4 feet travel over top of hay
0 Points If horse mouth touches the bales
Back up Bell At C
Enter from mailbox side of arena
Walk in, Ring Bell, back out.
When backing out, Horses front feet must clear end of pole
No Bell ring - Not complete - restart
Knocking over bell – 0 Points
If your horses’ feet step over the pole - restart
Pick up mail out of mailbox, raise over head, put mail in box, CLOSE door
If you drop the mail you have the option to get off and get it or move on and receive 0 Points
0 Points If you knock over mailbox
360 Turn
Walk into box, turn a full circle without stepping out of bounce
Stepping out of box (Start over from that point)
Hoof touching wood border - if they didn't step outside, this is ok
More than one full turn is ok (ie: 540 deg turn etc)
Corner Back up Bell
You Must complete at least 3 back up steps and ring bell.
Knocking over bell – 0 Points
If your horse steps outside of pole - restart
Single Tire
Simply Walk over tire - Horse must go over tire with no sideways motion.
Judge will call out “CLEAR” Or “RETRY”
Rope Gate
Must get to the other side of gate by unclipping rope, walking through posts, & reclipping
Knocking over posts – 0 Points
Barrel Gate
Pick up one end of pole, far end of pole must remain in contact w barrel, circle around barrel w pole in hand, set pole back down. Pole must contact top of barrel
If one end of pole drops on the ground. Rider must restart 360 spin from current position.
Dropped pole (both ends on ground) - 0 Points
Knocked over barrel – 0 Points
Example Teen Individual RUn
You DO NOT need to stand on tire like Ryan,
just cross over it in a straight line. Your pattern may vary also.