Christmas Drill Team

What is Drill Team?

Equestrian Drill Team is a group of horses and riders performing choreographed maneuvers to music. What this example below.

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We are really looking forward to seeing all of you again and below you will find some useful information on changes and upcoming clinics, Weekly Lessons, and Shows
Drill Team Workshop
Practice Dates:
Tag Team Trail - 5/18-5/21 (See details below)
Spring Show - Sun June 11th
Rodeo Clinics - TBD (Late June, July, Aug typically)
Rodeo Event - Sat Sept 9th
Upcoming Dates
Lessons will resume Tuesday March 7th.
You will come back riding in the time slot you were in before break unless your schedule has changed. At that point, please message Krissy to see if there are any other options for you to move into that might fit your schedule, our schedule, and your skill level.
2023 Lesson Rates:
​1 hour group $60
½ Hour Group (littles only) $45
For the students that started in 2022 you most likely came in at these prices. For our legacy students, we know this is frustrating and appreciate you being loyal customers and seeing the value in our program during these inflationary times. This change equates to roughly a $300/yr increase overall for the average student. This is NOT something we enjoy doing but with costs up 20-30% on everything farm and horse related in the past year alone, we have waited as long as we could to re-adjust prices and we just can’t afford to continue to shoulder the costs alone. We feel as though things have stabilized to a point that we feel confident we should not have to re-adjust anytime soon and we have kept our pricing on clinics and shows the same as last year. We hope you understand this and we hope you know we do appreciate your business immensely and do our best to continue to provide an environment that you feel safe and enjoy learning in. Many of you and your families have become friends over the years and we feel very blessed to have you all in our program.
Spring Workshops
Gritty Groundwork
Littles (9 Years & Under) – Thursday March 23rd 5 – 6:30 PM $100
Adults (20 & over) – Saturday March 25th 4 – 7 PM $175Teens & Juniors (10 to 19) – Sunday March 26th 9 AM – Noon $175
This Ground work series will focus on partnership, leadership, trust, and respect. The Purpose of this is to help deepen your relationship from the ground leading to growing your relationship in the saddle. This is very rewarding, fun, and also a critical horsemanship quality. You will start to see how it changes your friendship with these horses and increase your relationships by speaking a better horse language. We will be covering all the elements we are doing in the show along with learning the expectations of what you will perform on show day.
Timed Trail
All New Pattern This Year
Littles (9 Years & Under) – Thursday April 20th 5 – 6:30 PM $100
Adults (20 & older) – Saturday April 22nd 5 – 8 PM $175
Teens & Juniors (10 to 19) – Sunday April 23rd 9 AM – Noon $175
Yes, we are bringing this back. We saw so much growth & had so much fun last year that we felt it was beneficial to the community to do this again! BUT don’t worry – it’s going to be a totally new pattern with different obstacles and challenges designed to grow the student’s riding abilities. So even if you have done this workshop last year – IT WON’T BE THE SAME :)
For those new to this – This is an obstacle course you must complete on horseback designed to challenge the riders in speed, balance, control, and horsemanship – Fastest time with penalties wins in each skill matched class! This is a lot of fun and a great learning opportunity. Each obstacle push the rider and their horse emotionally and physically in a safe and fun way. We do set obstacle difficulty to skill levels. So, each level of rider will have the right amount of challenge.
Tag Team Trail
All New Pattern This Year
Littles (9 Years & Under) – Thursday May 18th 5 – 6:30 PM $100
Adults (20 & older) – Saturday May 20th 5 – 8 PM $175
Teens & Juniors (10 to 19) – Sunday May 21st 9 AM – Noon $175
At this point, all the new obstacles should be familiar and we are going to put another spin to the course. You will learn a whole route to the pattern but with a partner. This will be a timed event with rules. It’s a blast and teaches teamwork, communication, and trust. It was a big hit last year and a great growth module for horses and riders.
Spring Show
Sunday June 11th
We will open sign up roughly Mid March and close it on May 1st to give us time to get organize and figure out partners and allow time to practice as a pair.
Ranch Rodeo
Saturday September 9th
Sign up will close August 9th.
Buckle Series
Back by popular demand!
The purpose of the HIGH POINT BUCKLE SERIES is to give Runaway Ranch members an opportunity to compete for annual awards while promoting good horsemanship, sportsmanship, and participation. The Runaway Ranch High Point Buckle Series is open to all current Runaway Ranch students of any age & riding ability.
You must participate in BOTH Spring Show & Ranch Rodeo, as well as be a Current Runaway Ranch student to qualify and collect points for the Buckle series to be awarded at the Ranch Rodeo.!
Further Details will follow as we get closer.
Hi Point Award Sponsors
We will be looking for sponsorships for additional year end awards and prizes if you or your business might be interested. We are planning on putting out an email further explaining the buckle series & Sponsorship in as we get closer.