Runaway Ranch Christmas Drill

Participation Requirements
Attend Drill Team workshop
Attend 2 Drill Lessons weekly
You Will NOT attend your normal weekly lesson

Sign up closes Sunday September 29th

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Equestrian drill team is a unique opportunity to experience the excitement of performing a choreographed routine on horseback to music while building teamwork, precision, and riding skills.
It’s not just about riding, but also about working together as a group to create something special. You’ll enjoy the fun and challenge of learning new movements, all while forming lasting bonds with your teammates and horses. The experience is incredibly fulfilling and well worth the effort, as you’ll see your skills and teamwork improve with each practice.
In order to participate in drill team, you will need to attend the drill team workshop. We are offering two options: Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th. If we don’t get enough sign-ups to host both, the default day will be Friday night, October 4th.
Christmas drill team is a two-lesson-a-week commitment, meaning we’ll be practicing twice a week as a team. Every rider’s participation is essential, and we’ll be learning and memorizing a 20 to 30-minute routine. This will require both in-practice effort and studying outside of practice to ensure success.
We usually take the week of Thanksgiving off from practice, we will discuss further as a team.
The opportunity is open to all riders who can walk, trot, and canter, and while it will take dedication, the experience is truly rewarding!
Costumes: Everything is provided, besides the black pants and black(jacket/undergarment of somesort) you will need to wear under your christmas cape.
Runaway Ranch Boarders Team Lesson
Fridays 6 PM & Sundays 11AM
Green Drill Team's Lesson Schedule -first time drill riders / non horse owners
Tuesday 7 PM - Saturday Noon
Red Team - TBD - We will only have a third drill IF we have enough riders
Show Date:
Saturday December 14th
Signup Links
Friday Drill Team Workshop Now OPEN
Click here for more details
Teens / Juniors (10 and up)
Sun 3/26 9am-12pm
Click here for more details
Let's Do it !